English Arts and Crafts cabinet with hand-hammered copper strap hinges, possibly Liberty. Umbrella, coat rack, hat rack

Beautiful vintage English Arts and Crafts cabinet with hand-hammered copper strap hinges and reticulated sides, possibly Liberty & Co. Umbrella, coat rack, hat rack. Excellent condition. Hooks under top original, hooks on side replaced vintage hooks. Hand dovetailed construction of drawer sides as shown. Measures: 79" high x 42" wide x 11" deep.

Product ID: #1038


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Detail umbrella trays at bottom and reticulated sides.

Detail umbrella trays at bottom and reticulated sides.

Detail hand hammered copper strap hinges.

Detail hand hammered copper strap hinges.

Detail hand dovetailed drawer construction.

Detail hand dovetailed drawer construction.

Detail original lock.

Detail original lock.

Close up hand hammered copper strap hinges on door.

Close up hand hammered copper strap hinges on door.